porter archive

porter archive

Archive a bundle from a reference


Archives a bundle by generating a gzipped tar archive containing the bundle, invocation image and any referenced images.

porter archive FILENAME --reference PUBLISHED_BUNDLE [flags]


  porter archive mybun.tgz --reference getporter/porter-hello:v0.1.0
  porter archive mybun.tgz --reference localhost:5000/getporter/porter-hello:v0.1.0 --force


      --force               Force a fresh pull of the bundle
  -h, --help                help for archive
      --insecure-registry   Don't require TLS for the registry
  -r, --reference string    Use a bundle in an OCI registry specified by the given reference.

Options inherited from parent commands

      --debug                  Enable debug logging
      --debug-plugins          Enable plugin debug logging
      --experimental strings   Comma separated list of experimental features to enable. See https://porter.sh/configuration/#experimental-feature-flags for available feature flags.


  • porter - With Porter you can package your application artifact, client tools, configuration and deployment logic together as a versioned bundle that you can distribute, and then install with a single command.

Most commands require a Docker daemon, either local or remote.

Try our QuickStart https://porter.sh/quickstart to learn how to use Porter.