
The Porter client is extensible and anyone can write a plugin to integrate with Porter. Plugins extend the Porter client, reimplementing Porter’s default functionality.

For example, Porter saves installation data, credential sets and parameter sets using the mongodb-docker plugin, which is suitable for development and testing. Porter also includes a [mongdb plugin], which connects to a remote MongoDB server using a configured connection string, which is intended for production use. You could write your own plugin to better integrate with a MongoDB as a Server offering from your cloud provider.

Plugins are very different from mixins, which give you building blocks for authoring bundles. There are a couple types of plugins and a single plugin binary may contain multiple implementations.

Available Plugins

Below are plugins that are either maintained by the Porter authors, or are community mixins that are known to be well-maintained. Use the porter plugins search command to see all known plugins.

See the Search Guide on how to search for available plugins and/or add your own to the list.


Plugin Types

Learn more about available extension points and types of plugins in Porter