porter bundles explain

porter bundles explain

Explain a bundle


Explain how to use a bundle by printing the parameters, credentials, outputs, actions.

porter bundles explain [flags]


  porter bundle explain
  porter bundle explain --reference getporter/porter-hello:v0.1.0
  porter bundle explain --reference localhost:5000/getporter/porter-hello:v0.1.0 --insecure-registry --force
  porter bundle explain --file another/porter.yaml
  porter bundle explain --cnab-file some/bundle.json
  porter bundle explain --action install


      --action string       Hide parameters and outputs that are not used by the specified action.
      --cnab-file string    Path to the CNAB bundle.json file.
  -f, --file porter.yaml    Path to the Porter manifest. Defaults to porter.yaml in the current directory.
      --force               Force a fresh pull of the bundle
  -h, --help                help for explain
      --insecure-registry   Don't require TLS for the registry
  -o, --output string       Specify an output format.  Allowed values: plaintext, json, yaml (default "plaintext")
  -r, --reference string    Use a bundle in an OCI registry specified by the given reference.

Options inherited from parent commands

      --debug                  Enable debug logging
      --debug-plugins          Enable plugin debug logging
      --experimental strings   Comma separated list of experimental features to enable. See https://porter.sh/configuration/#experimental-feature-flags for available feature flags.