porter installations logs show

porter installations logs show

Show the logs from an installation


Show the logs from an installation.

Either display the logs from a specific run of a bundle with –run, or use –installation to display the logs from its most recent run.

porter installations logs show [flags]


  porter installation logs show --installation wordpress --namespace dev
  porter installations logs show --run 01EZSWJXFATDE24XDHS5D5PWK6


  -h, --help                  help for show
  -i, --installation string   The installation that generated the logs.
  -n, --namespace string      Namespace in which the installation is defined. Defaults to the global namespace.
  -r, --run string            The bundle run that generated the logs.

Options inherited from parent commands

      --debug                  Enable debug logging
      --debug-plugins          Enable plugin debug logging
      --experimental strings   Comma separated list of experimental features to enable. See https://porter.sh/configuration/#experimental-feature-flags for available feature flags.