porter parameters list

porter parameters list

List parameter sets


List named sets of parameters defined by the user.

Optionally filters the results name, which returns all results whose name contain the provided query. The results may also be filtered by associated labels and the namespace in which the parameter set is defined.

porter parameters list [flags]


  porter parameters list
  porter parameters list --namespace prod -o json
  porter parameters list --all-namespaces,
  porter parameters list --name myapp
  porter parameters list --label env=dev


      --all-namespaces     Include all namespaces in the results.
  -h, --help               help for list
  -l, --label strings      Filter the parameter sets by a label formatted as: KEY=VALUE. May be specified multiple times.
      --name string        Filter the parameter sets where the name contains the specified substring.
  -n, --namespace string   Namespace in which the parameter set is defined. Defaults to the global namespace. Use * to list across all namespaces.
  -o, --output string      Specify an output format.  Allowed values: plaintext, json, yaml (default "plaintext")

Options inherited from parent commands

      --debug                  Enable debug logging
      --debug-plugins          Enable plugin debug logging
      --experimental strings   Comma separated list of experimental features to enable. See https://porter.sh/configuration/#experimental-feature-flags for available feature flags.