Copy Bundles

Porter allows you to copy a bundle, and all associated images, from one registry to another. This includes both the invocation images and the images defined in the images section of the bundle. For example, consider the following images map:

      description: "A complicated backend service"
      imageType: "docker"
      repository: "jeremyrickard/backend-svc"
      digest: "sha256:decafebad60a4cf73a23517dad677e64edf467107fa7d58fce9c50e6a3e4c914"
      description: "A simple web service"
      imageType: "docker"
      repository: "jeremyrickard/devops-days-msp"
      digest: "sha256:85b1a9b4b60a4cf73a23517dad677e64edf467107fa7d58fce9c50e6a3e4c914"

When this bundle is copied, the invocation image, along with the backend and websvc images will be copied to the new repository. If the bundle author has properly used image wiring, the new image references will be available within the bundle at run-time.

This is useful when you have restrictions on where you can pull Docker images from or would otherwise like to have control over assets you will be using. Any operation on the copied bundle will utilize these copied images as well. IIf you’d like to rename something within a registry, Porter also allows you to copy from one bundle tag to another bundle tag inside the same registry.

Copy A Bundle From One Registry to Another

The first way that you can use the copy command is to copy a bundle to a new registry. This command will result in the source bundle being copied to the specified registry. The name:tag of the source bundle will be used to name the new bundle copy. For example:

$ porter copy --source jeremyrickard/porter-do-bundle:v0.4.6 --destination
Beginning bundle copy to This may take some time.
Starting to copy image jeremyrickard/porter-do:v0.4.6...
Completed image jeremyrickard/porter-do:v0.4.6 copy
Starting to copy image jeremyrickard/spring-music@sha256:8f1133d81f1b078c865cdb11d17d1ff15f55c449d3eecca50190eed0f5e5e26f...
Completed image jeremyrickard/spring-music@sha256:8f1133d81f1b078c865cdb11d17d1ff15f55c449d3eecca50190eed0f5e5e26f copy
Bundle tag pushed successfully, with digest "sha256:38d08d6e1ecc97dbf22c630309c2ad37e5af6c092b02826aa4285ec24b4765b9"

In this case, we copied jeremyrickard/porter-do-bundle:v0.4.6 to the new registry, resulting in the new bundle reference

Copy A Bundle From One Registry to Another With Specific Tag

In addition to specifying only the new registry, you can also specify a new tagged reference for the bundle:

$ porter copy --source jeremyrickard/porter-do-bundle:v0.4.6 --destination
Beginning bundle copy to This may take some time.
Starting to copy image jeremyrickard/porter-do:v0.4.6...
Completed image jeremyrickard/porter-do:v0.4.6 copy
Starting to copy image jeremyrickard/spring-music@sha256:8f1133d81f1b078c865cdb11d17d1ff15f55c449d3eecca50190eed0f5e5e26f...
Completed image jeremyrickard/spring-music@sha256:8f1133d81f1b078c865cdb11d17d1ff15f55c449d3eecca50190eed0f5e5e26f copy
Bundle tag pushed successfully, with digest "sha256:38d08d6e1ecc97dbf22c630309c2ad37e5af6c092b02826aa4285ec24b4765b9"

This results in jeremyrickard/porter-do-bundle:v0.4.6 being copied to