Porter Operator Resources

The Porter Operator provides custom resource definitions (CRDs) that you can use to interact with Porter and control how it is executed. Though both Porter and Kubernetes has the concept of names, namespaces and labels, the resources do not reuse those fields from the CRD, and instead uses the values as defined on the resource spec. This allows you to run the operator in a Kubernetes namespace, and target a different Porter namespace because although they both use the term namespace, there is no relation between Kubernetes namespaces and Porter namespaces. The same goes for the name and labels fields.


The Installation CRD represents an installation of a bundle in Porter. The Installation CRD spec is a superset of the Installation resource in Porter, so it is safe to copy/paste the output of the porter installation show NAME -o yaml command into the spec field and have that be a valid installation.

In addition to the normal fields available on a Porter Installation document the following fields are supported:

Field Required Default Description
agentConfig false See Agent Config Reference to an AgentConfig resource in the same namespace.
porterConfig false See Porter Config Reference to a PorterConfig resource in the same namespace.

Agent Config

The Porter Agent is a Kubernetes job that executes the porter CLI when an installation resource is modified. The agent is a Docker image with the porter CLI installed, and a custom entry point to assist with applying the Porter [configuration file].

The AgentConfig CRD represents the configuration that the operator should use when executing Porter on Kubernetes, which is known as the Porter agent.

A default AgentConfig is generated for you by the configureNamespace custom action of the porter-operator bundle. You can change the configuration for running Porter by creating an AgentConfig resource and overriding relevant fields. Depending on the desired scope of that configuration either reference that AgentConfig directly on the installation or name the AgentConfig default and define it in the installation namespace or the porter-operator-system namespace.

apiVersion: porter.sh/v1
kind: AgentConfig
  name: customAgent
  porterRepository: ghcr.io/getporter/porter-agent
  porterVersion: v1.0.0-alpha.8
  serviceAccount: porter-agent
  volumeSize: 64Mi
  pullPolicy: Always
  installationServiceAccount: installation-agent

Configuration is hierarchical and has the following precedence:

  • AgentConfig referenced on the Installation overrides everything else.
  • AgentConfig defined in the Installation namespace with the name “default”.
  • AgentConfig defined in the Porter Operator namespace with the name “default”.

Values are merged from all resolved AgentConfig resources, so that you can define a base set of defaults and selectively override them within a namespace or for a particular installation.

Field Required Default Description
porterRepository false ghcr.io/getporter/porter-agent The repository for the Porter Agent image.
porterVersion false varies The tag for the Porter Agent image. For example, vX.Y.Z, latest, or canary. Defaults to the most recent version of porter that has been tested with the operator.
serviceAccount true (none) The service account to run the Porter Agent under. Must exist in the same namespace as the installation.
installationServiceAccount false (none) The service account to run the Kubernetes pod/job for the installation image.
volumeSize false 64Mi The size of the persistent volume that Porter will request when running the Porter Agent. It is used to share data between the Porter Agent and the bundle invocation image. It must be large enough to store any files used by the bundle including credentials, parameters and outputs.
pullPolicy false PullAlways when the tag is canary or latest, otherwise PullIfNotPresent. Specifies when to pull the Porter Agent image

Service Account

The only required configuration is the name of the service account under which Porter should run. The configureNamespace action of the porter operator bundle creates a service account named “porter-agent” for you with the porter-operator-agent-role role binding.

Porter Config

The PorterConfig CRD represents the porter configuration file that should be used by the Porter Agent. On a local installation of Porter, this file can be found in PORTER_HOME/config.json|toml|yaml, usually ~/.porter/config.toml. By default, Porter uses the mongodb server deployed with the Operator. Since the mongodb server is not secured with a password, and is accessible to the cluster, this is not suitable for production use.

🔒 We don’t yet support referencing external secrets from the configuration file, so be careful if you embed a real connection string in this file!

A default PorterConfig is generated for you by the configureNamespace custom action of the porter-operator bundle. You can the configuration of the porter CLI by creating a PorterConfig resource and overriding relevant fields. Depending on the desired scope of that configuration either reference that PorterConfig directly on the installation or name the PorterConfig default and define it in the installation namespace or the porter-operator-system namespace.

apiVersion: porter.sh/v1
kind: PorterConfig
  name: customPorterConfig
  debug: true
  debugPlugins: false
  defaultSecretsPlugin: kubernetes.secrets
  defaultStorage: in-cluster-mongodb
    - name: in-cluster-mongodb
      plugin: mongodb
        url: "mongodb://mongodb.porter-operator-system.svc.cluster.local"

Configuration is hierarchical and has the following precedence:

  • PorterConfig referenced on the Installation overrides everything else.
  • PorterConfig defined in the Installation namespace with the name “default”.
  • PorterConfig defined in the Porter Operator namespace with the name “default”.

Values are merged from all resolved PorterConfig resources, so that you can define a base set of defaults and selectively override them within a namespace or for a particular installation.

Field Required Default Description
debug false false Specifies if Porter should output debug logs.
debugPlugins false false Specifies if Porter should output debug logs for the plugins.
namespace false (empty) The default Porter namespace. Used when a resource is defined without the namespace set in the spec.
experimental false (empty) Specifies which experimental features are enabled. See Porter Feature Flags for more information.
defaultStorage false in-cluster-mongodb The name of the storage configuration to use.
defaultSecrets false (empty) The name of the secrets configuration to use.
defaultStoragePlugin false (empty) The name of the storage plugin to use when defaultStorage is unspecified.
defaultSecretsPlugin false kubernetes.secrets The name of the storage plugin to use when defaultSecrets is unspecified.
storage false The mongodb server installed with the operator. A list of named storage configurations.
secrets false (empty) A list of named secrets configurations.

configuration file